Snow And Ice Threaten Millions Across The South

What you need to know about this latest winter storm, and its potential impacts.
Snow And Ice Threaten Millions Across The Southstory-preview

How Winter Storm Cora Will Be Different From Blair

Much of the Plains, Midwest and Mid-Atlantic were buried in the heaviest snow and ice in years during Blair. Winter Storm Cora will bring impactful snow and ice to the South, including Dallas, Atlanta and Raleigh, but less impacts for Cincinnati and Washington, D.C. The Gulf Coast can breathe a little easier, too. Severe weather isn’t anticipated.
How Winter Storm Cora Will Be Different From Blairstory-preview

Track Cora: Maps, Satellite Image and Latest Alerts

You'll find everything you want to know about this southern winter storm in this one stop shop.
Track Cora: Maps, Satellite Image and Latest Alertsstory-preview

Atlanta Snow? Odds, How Much, Ice Forecast And More

A significant winter storm is expected to impact Atlanta, Georgia, and surrounding areas later this week. Impactful accumulations of snow, sleet and freezing rain from early Friday into early Saturday is likely. Winter Storm Cora is likely to shut down businesses and schools and frigid temperatures. Here are the details & timing.
Atlanta Snow? Odds, How Much, Ice Forecast And Morestory-preview

A School Bus Driver's Split-Second Save

A Long Island school bus driver’s quick thinking and expert maneuvering turned a slippery, icy hill from a potential tragedy into a cautionary tale of winter road survival.
A School Bus Driver's Split-Second Savestory-preview