Weekend Severe Storm, Tornado Threat For South, East

A multiday severe weather threat will ramp up this weekend in the Midwest and South and then spread toward the East Coast by Monday. Destructive straight-line winds, large hail and tornadoes are all potential hazards.
Weekend Severe Storm, Tornado Threat For South, Eaststory-preview

Triple Threat Storms Target US Thursday And Friday

Three different storm systems are bringing heavy rain to different portions of the country: Texas, the Midwest and the West Coast. Flash flooding is a particular concern in Corpus Christi and Houston, where rain is falling on already saturated soils. The Midwest is dealing with a disturbance that will bring a soggy end to the week. The West Coast is experiencing a potent system that will bring excessive rainfall and high elevations of the Sierras could experience heavy snow. We break down the triple threat here.
Triple Threat Storms Target US Thursday And Fridaystory-preview

Does Your Dog Know A Storm Is Coming?

Does your dog act weird before a storm, hiding or pacing long before the rain has even started? That’s because dogs can sense storms before humans can, using their superior senses to make them natural weather forecasters.
Does Your Dog Know A Storm Is Coming?story-preview

Close Call: Dog Rescued Moments Before Tornado Decimates Kennel

Dramatic video shows a boy racing outside to get his dog as severe storms rained down in Gary, Indiana. Then, just moments later, see how a tornado tore apart the family’s backyard.
Close Call: Dog Rescued Moments Before Tornado Decimates Kennel story-preview

MLB Opening Day Forecast: Showers Possible For Some Games

Weather for baseball's Opening Day should be good for most outdoor games in the Northeast, South and West. But a few games in the Midwest may see showers. Here's our latest forecast.
MLB Opening Day Forecast: Showers Possible For Some Gamesstory-preview